Friday, March 14, 2014

God's Love

God is love. There is no doubt in the world about that one. What but love could give their own Son to the hands of wicked people? What but love could lay down on a cross and let men drive nails through His hands and feet? I know God loves me,even in the times when I am most unlovable. It hurts me to know that some people actually believe that God doesn't love them. Some believe that they have done too much wrong for God to love them. Others believe that because of their chosen lifestyle,God cannot love them. Through the eyes of these people,life is hopeless. It really breaks my heart. So many have bought into the devil's lies. Overcome the lie! God does love you! God loves everyone. Not just the Christian,the church goer,and the pastor,but God loves the drunkard,the thief,the lost man,the prostitute,the homosexual,and even the murderer. He is broken hearted by their sinful lifestyles,but He is willing to forgive and forget because He loves them so much. He sent His Son to die for all people. All races,all people. All they have to do is ask for forgiveness and ask Him into their hearts. I believe God is broken hearted at all the souls that are being lost. I pray that this post may reach someone today,that feels as though no one,not even God loves them. If that person is you,remember that God does,and He always will love you. He is just waiting for you to call on Him.

~John 3:16-For God so loved the world,that he gave his only begotten Son,that whosoever believeth in  him should not perish,but have everlasting life.~


Anonymous said...

Well said! : ) BTW, I lie the header!

Anonymous said...

Whoops! *like the Header! : D