Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Because there's blizzard

North Carolina almost never gets heavy snow. However,we are in the middle of the biggest snow storm in about 10+ years. So I braved the cold and whipping snow,just so I could document some history. And share on my blog….of course;)

These pictures were taken around 2 o'clock,so now we are looking at at least five inches,and it is STILL putting it down. I had an umbrella,trying(and failing) to keep my camera from getting wet!

Since there is a "blizzard" raging out side,I am using tonight for cinnamon buns,old Audrey Hepburn and Bing Crosby movies,and some catching up with photography editing. The down side is,I have to work in the morning at seven. I will be chauffeured by my grandpa's Dodge truck,but still….it is kind of a bummer to have to get up in the cold. Either way,the snow is fun. Even when it messes up Valentine's day plans and leaves people stuck in traffic for hours. I will have a grateful heart that my family is safe and snugly at home. And there will be plenty for sledding tomorrow!

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