Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What I Wore-on a 60 degree day

So….I have this hat. And I think I'm in love with it. I think I found her at goodwill,but I'm not sure. 
All I know is,it has sparked a hat wearing frenzy.
I found these earrings in a bag of handmade jewelry someone gave me. They are by far my favorite pair of earrings. EVER!

In the title you see that this was worn on a "60 degree day." Well that was Monday. Today is Wednesday,and there is snow on the ground. Good ole N.C. weather. I can't decide what I would rather have. Three feet of snow,or 63 degrees. I'm leaning towards the snow. I have new snow boots to try out!:)
linking up with the pleated poppy

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