Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Light show...from home:)

I was trying to get a bokeh photo of our tree last night,so I set my camera to AV and started shooting. I was pretty much just experimenting and didn't have much luck with the bokeh look,BUT,I wound up with these awesome long exposure shots of the lights!

This is the closest I came to what I was trying for;)

Long exposure is completely cool.



bridget anne said...

those are so neat! it's so fun experimenting with long exposures.

p.s. i saw your comment asking what aperature i set my camera to for the bokeh shot. i shot it at 1.4 aperture on manual -- and i just turned the lens out of focus. hope that helps, darlin'!

bridget anne said...

aperture* -- typed that one FAST. ; )

Emily said...

Thanks so much!:)