Thursday, September 5, 2013

A drive through the country!

If you read the last post,I promised to explain why I was driving and taking pictures all day yesterday.
I have am in a blogging rut.
I love blogging and I am quite attached to this little corner of the creativity,but I am a terrible slacker! I say I will post,and I don't. So! I am trying to get back on the ball. Yesterday, I loaded up my camera,tripod,and music, and I hit the road. I drove all over the country side looking for things to photograph! It was fun,scary, and interesting. I had my mace(pepper spray) with me,but I didn't really want to have to use it. Not that I live in a rough area,but you can never be too careful right? 

 I jumped back into my car after taking these pictures and somehow I set my panic alarm off. I glance in my side view mirror and what do I see? A SHERIFF.  He was headed up to the elementary school to do his rounds, when he spotted this girl, stealing a car sitting in a car with the alarm blasting. He stopped and asked if I was ok. I assured him that I had just set my alarm off by accident(all the while it is still blasting away.) He drove away while I tried to figure out how to turn the darn thing off!

 I want this house and it is for sale! It has the beautiful barn(below) sitting right across from it!

I hope you all have a great Thursday!


Faith said...

Those are some gorgeous shots! I love the bright colors:)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful house! I want to move in! : D Great pictures. Oh! And I like your new blog header and profile pic! : )