Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The week that changed my life

 Ok, so I know I have been promising camp photos. Well, I finally sat down to post them:)
This is a picture of the tabernacle at camp. This is where we had all our services. No air conditioner,no padded pews, roughing it,ya know? :) No complaints from this girl! I would gladly go back on the hottest day of the year if I could have the same experience that we had that week!
 We started off every morning at the flag pole for devotions:) Thats all us older girls and our counselor Amy:)
 We had some fun with camera angles and poses while we were there;)
 Aren't they too cute! My sister and her two friends:)
 This was my sister's first year. I think she had an awesome time:) Ain't she pretty:)
 Me and this girl had waaaaayyyy too much fun together! We were riding buddies,swimming buddies,sleeping buddies(bunks side-by-side), and had soooo much fun!
 We had loads of fun on the bus too! This is Phillip(Brendan's LITTLE brother) and Black Jack. He was made from Phillip's body pillow,jacket,and sunglasses.
 This was taken on our cabin's front porch.
 Hannah on my bed.
 This was the outside of our cabin,Beth. Normally we have our own cabin,but this year we shared with some very lovely girls from Cincinnati:)
 This is a pic from the inside.
 This was our decorations and bribes for the judges of cabin clean up time. We got CLEAN BIRD once and we will just leave it at that;)
 This is Teddy. Due to his constant behavior, I used him as a wall ornament. (You had to be there)

 Lots of fun photos!
 The girls and Elijah:)

 Acting silly:)
 Having fun!
 Playing hard!
 More silly times!
 And some sweet times! My dad and Hannah.....

 And Brendan and Hannah. They had a mini golf outing! I got my Mom to snap some pics:)
 We of course had a WHACK at the paddle boats!

 We also had a group Volley-ball game. It was really fun and also hilarious!
 But nothing in the week could compare to that last night!.....
 There was powerful singing....( I'll post videos later)
 Powerful preaching(by Randy Dignan) He was a football star,born to deaf parents, who got saved and is now a preacher with a beautiful family! He is soon to be starting up a tv ministry for the deaf! He isn't deaf,but he learned to sign to his own parents. This is really a super man of God!
 This is our group of boys( they were seated on the other side of the tabernacle) Brendan and another boy named Johnny from our group are missing in this pic. I will explain why in a minute;)
 The last message was on being thankful. During the time this picture was taken, all the campers had sought out their counselors and coaches and thanked them. Then we split up with our own groups and talked about some things. We came back in from our group meeting and we were waiting on the other groups to finish. So,even though I had been crying and my team war paint was running, I had to take a picture with Amy. She is so special to me! I look up to her more than she will ever know!
Meanwhile, while we were waiting....Johnny came to Brendan and asked could he talk to him. They went outside and talked and Johnny told him that he needed to be saved. Brendan got his Bible and read him some verses and they kneeled and Bren prayed with him. That was the greatest feeling ever! We were all so happy for him! Brendan said it was like him getting saved all over again!
So this is us! Happy and revived! That's why it was the week that changed my life!
Check out this video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpx7tAKjRoc

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