Friday, January 10, 2014

This little space.

     I realize my posts here have been random and spontaneous. 
I will be honest,I'm pretty bad about actually sitting down,uploading pictures,
and typing out a blog post. It is something I have to make myself sit down and do.
 Not because I don't enjoy it. I do. I just often face a lack of words to describe my feelings,
or a lack of inspiration. Sometimes I wonder if what I write is even of interest to anyone. 
Until now,I really couldn't decide exactly what I want this blog to be. 
I know I want it to be happy. 
A place of connection. A place of encouraging thoughts,
and yet still a place for me to connect and share my personal life,thoughts,and ideas.
Photography is a passion of mine,so of course there has to be a lot of that too! 
The blogs that I read are mainly photography,or homemaking,
or just wonderful cliches of amazing things I love. 
Often I find myself comparing my little corner to the others on this big Internet world.
I get discouraged,and then I quit posting. 

    So here's to a new year. 
This year this little blog is going to be exactly what I want it to be. 
It is going to be a part of my life,like a journal.
I want to document the things in my personal life(but not too much) and offer inspiration to others. 
I want this to be an encouraging place. A inspiring place. 
A place of crafting,photography,random whimsy,color,laughter,joy,food,happiness,and of course faith in this wonderful Jesus I've found. 
This is going to be my place. My happy place. 
I want to share with you,the precious things that I am privileged to experience,
in hopes that you will create your own happy place. 
Here's to the new year on This Lovely Life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My post are always random! : ) I like the picture. : )