Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I've been loving....

Just a few things I have been loving lately:) Starting with Rolo! We had homecoming at our church Sunday and I made some Rolo sugar cookies. They were awesome!!!!! Just place the Rolo up inside the sugar cookie dough and roll it into a ball. It takes about two rolls of Rolo and one large tube of sugar cookie dough:)
 I use Suave Keratin leave-in conditioner. It is AWESOME. I put it in my hair when its damp. Trying not to get it too near the roots. I use a pea sized amount:) It doubles as a heat protectant.
 My cowboy boots(not pictured) are one of my favorite things right now!
 This is my inspiration for growing my hair out. I fight the urge to cut it now and then.
 At work(I work at our local Kmart) I work near the candy displays and one of those display is full of candy corn. I can honestly smell the sugar. I broke down and bought a bag. It was so good! Even though I gave over half the bag to Brendan. That appetite of his comes in handy;)
 Trench coats! Love them! I actually got an adorable red on on sale for $25:00 at Ross! I'll post it later.
 My Chuck Taylor style tennis shoes. Wearing em right now!
All the pics are from my pintrest:) Have a lovely day!
P.S.- I'm on vacation this week,so hopefully I can get more posts up:)


Anonymous said...

Love both styles of shoes! mmmm... candy corn sounds amazing. :D

You like your job? :)

brittneydods said...

hey I just rewarded you with a I AM A WRITER BLOG REWARD:)check it out on my blog:)

AC said...

I love rolos, cowboy boots, trench coats and chuck taylors! Candy corn...not so much :)