Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Watermelon Nails

 I didn't take pictures until I started on the left hand. I put the tape on the tip of my nails so I could get the exact clean line.:)
 I of course used pink and green...
 With the tape on the tips, I  painted it over with the pink and when I took off the tap, it was perfect!
 Then I painted over the tips with the green:) It took a couple of coats,but it worked:)
 After that,I had to make the seeds. So I used a permanent marker and made little lines on the pink part:) Its best to use a fine tip,but I only had a regular one.

So here is the finishing product! I know the pics aren't the best quality,but the lighting was bad.
Let me know if you try this!

1 comment:

Abigail Fullerton said...

Watermelon nails! Love them girl!